These pieces are available immediately for purchase. Please contact us for more information, shipping and payment details.
Maple burl feast bowl. 16.5 x 17 x 6 inches. Copied from original Eastern Sioux bowl. $950.00
Necklace with antique beads, brass Jesuit rings and catlinite pendan$250.00
Walnut Bear Bowl. $450.00 15.25” x 9.75” SOLD
Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.
Bone Roach Spreader. 9” long. $200.
Brain tanned tobacco bag or small pipe bag painted with fish eggs and earth pigments, front and back. 12” long. $255.00
On the left, original pipe, pipe stem and early pony beaded bag probably Upper Missouri from a private collection. Middle, reproduction catlinite pipe and stem, and next to it on the right is reproduction quilled stem that has already sold. Right: Close up of the fine pipe made by Steven Lalliof. Stems by Jan Zender. Pipe and stem: $850.00
Gourd rattle with curly maple handle $95.00 SOLD
Curly maple tobacco mixing bowl/board. $175.00 7.25” x 6.5”
One piece carved cedar feather box with sliding maple lid. 22” x 4.75”. 2.5” deep. Copied from original. $480.00
Walnut gambling bowl with bone game pieces. $175.00
Sterling earrings all found at Fort Michilimackinac in northern Michigan. Top row from left to right: $95.00, $85.00, $65.00. Middle row: $110.00, $55.00. Bottom: $55.00
Reproduction of earrings worn by Oceola of the Seminoles. Research and measurements from Darry Wood. Aged sterling. Length without ear wire 3”. $200.00 SOLD
Sterling hair plates. Left column top measures 2.25” x 3” $125.00. Left middle 2” x 3” $100.00. Left bottom 2” x 2.5” $95. Right column top 1.5” x 2.5” $75.00, second down $50.00, third with crown $75.00, bottom right $55.00
Finger woven hair ornaments
Brass and sterling Jesuit or iconographic trade rings. All reproduced from original pieces. Not all sizes available for immediate shipping.
Brass rings with glass stones referred to as “paste” rings in historical trade lists. Popular in the early fur trade era.
Sterling silver plaque rings. Sizes vary.
Brass bracelets. Price from left to right $50.00, $60.00, $75.00, $50.00, $50.00. All are 7’ wrist size.
Sterling and brass trade silver. Reproductions from commonly found pieces from eastern woodlands. Inquire for current prices.
Copied from an original bowl collected in North Dakota in the latter half of the 1800s. Handle may have been used to hang from tipi liner, medicine bundle, or belt. $200.00
Alum tanned deer hide bag painted with earth pigments and fish eggs with antique harness leather strap. $250.00
Morning Star hair ornament. Pained rawhide, silk ribbon, painted feathers, hawk bells, and shell. $85.00